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       Team photos for the 1965 AHSAA high school basketball All-Star games. Played in Tuscaloosa the games showcased the best high school basketball players from around the state in 1965.  

      In the 3A-4A game the north won by defeating a taller South team 64-55. The South won the A-AA game by a score of 57-52. A capacity crowd packed Foster Auditorium and witnessed two exciting games. Louis Vaughn of Butler was named the most outstanding player for the North squad in the 3A-4A game. 

      1965 All Star Game Team Photos

      1965 All Star Game Team Rosters


Great Moments in Alabama High School Basketball History

South Lamar scored 113 points in defeating East Limestone 113-84 in the first round of the 1992 tournament. It is still a record for points scored in a game.