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 History of High School Football in Alabama
 NFL Players
 2010 NFL Players

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dparker Posted - 09/12/2010 : 22:52:20
We are in search of NFL Players from Alabama that are rookies this season. Remember the two main criteria they must meet to make the list. They must have played for a high school in Alabama and they must have played a down in the regular season in the NFL.

I went back through the draft picks for the last two seasons and picked up a few players today that were added to our list. It is possible I may have missed someone if they were a free agent. Also I do not know who played today that was drafted in 2010.

If you know of someone we missed let me know or if you know of a rookie that is playing from Alabama.

The reason we go by the rule of they must have played in the regular season is because that is how the NFL keeps a register of historical players and is about the only thing I have to go by when finding players. Many more players have been drafted or made a team but we need a way to verify players so we will stick to what we have for now.

Maybe if I can find a good list of every draft pick from Alabama we could put together a list of draft picks from high schools in the state.

David Parker
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