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 Game to Watch - Week 4

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mcslate Posted - 09/15/2022 : 01:43:26
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Rogers Pirates (4-0, 2-0) @ West Morgan Rebels (4-0, 2-0)

These aren't soft records either. Both teams have been tested and passed with flying colors. Giving the nod to the Rebels because I like their resume just a little more and that running game so far has been unstoppable.

West Morgan 31, Rogers 21

Randolph Raiders (3-1, 2-0) @ Westminster Christian Wildcats (3-0, 2-0)

Randolph's only loss was to a very good West Morgan team and they only lost it in the second half. Westminster is formidable and yet to score less than 44 in a game. The Wildcats are going to be forced to come up with stops this game that I don't think they'll get. I look for this one to be a shootout.

Randolph 49, Westminster 38

Hazel Green Trojans (3-1, R7 2-0) @ Decatur Red Raiders (4-0, R8 2-0)

Not many had Decatur to be 4-0 at this point in the season. Their passing game is much improved over years past. A lot of people wrote Hazel Green off after getting trounced by 68 in their opener but the Trojans have rebounded with 3 straight wins. HG struggles to score at times and I think it costs them here.

Decatur 37, Hazel Green 23

Hatton Hornets (3-0, 2-0) @ Falkville Blue Devils (2-2, 1-1)

Many of us picked Hatton as a surprise team and the Hornets haven't disappointed. Falkville will be their toughest foe so far. Blue Devils have a strong offense but their defense will leak at times and I think it trips them up in a close contest.

Hatton 32, Falkville 30
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TheMUBM Posted - 09/15/2022 : 12:37:52
Last Week: 2-1 Season: 9-3

Rogers @ West Morgan

Rogers has consistently gotten better since Garrett took over the coaching duties. They are looking more like the old Rogers with tough nosed defense and a grind it out offense. Rogers hope in this game is to slow things down and neutralize some of the weapons West Morgan has. That being said, West Morgan is rolling right now. They are loaded from top to bottom with talent and speed. And I am sure West Morgan remembers that Rogers upset them last year to knock them out of a playoff spot. I think it'll be close for a half.

Prediction: West Morgan 38 Rogers 14

Colbert County @ Lauderdale County

This game could be very interesting in the playoff race. I was surprised by CCHS knocking off Phil Campbell last week. I had slotted CCHS in the 4th slot in this region with what I thought was a good amount of comfort. Colbert County has speed on the ends that LCHS is going to have to account for, or we could see some big plays out of that offense. I do think this game plays into Lauderdale County's wheelhouse. Colbert County hasn't had a lot of success throwing the ball. Lauderdale County is notorious for tough run defense and this year is no different. I think LCHS wins this one, then loses to Phil Campbell to set up the dreaded tie-breaker scenario.

Prediction: LCHS 16 Colbert County 14

Hatton @ Falkville

I had Hatton 3 and Falkville 4 in my region predictions. I still think both at set to make the playoffs. Falkville played much better against Tanners explosive offense than I would have guessed. As far as Hatton, consider me someone who has bought in. Their physical style of play has really overwhelmed opponents thus far and I can see them definitely challenging Lexington for the region crown.

Prediction: Hatton 28 Falkville 14 Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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