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 Playoff Brackets

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dparker Posted - 09/26/2022 : 19:15:31
I posted the 2022 playoff brackets on the homepage. I know we are still more than a month away from the first round but I thought some fans would want to begin to look at who they may meet in the first round.

In just a couple more weeks we will be able to begin filling in the blanks with actual teams.

David Parker
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
YoungBallCoach Posted - 10/06/2022 : 07:25:05
Originally posted by mcslate

Late to the party but just my quick opinion is that public and private schools being split for the postseason would be the most fair. Would probably mean public schools go back to 1A-6A. I believe Tennessee started splitting them a few years back and I'm interested to see how it's working out.

Works out very well here. There are maybe a couple of teams (Oakland, Maryville) that can compete with Trent Dilfer and Lipscomb Academy right now, so it makes sense to divide them up. We split into 3 private school divisions and then have our 1A-6A classification. I think it's fantastic.
mcslate Posted - 10/05/2022 : 22:09:56
Late to the party but just my quick opinion is that public and private schools being split for the postseason would be the most fair. Would probably mean public schools go back to 1A-6A. I believe Tennessee started splitting them a few years back and I'm interested to see how it's working out.
Bulldog5 Posted - 10/05/2022 : 21:38:45
Originally posted by GiglnTiger

Bulldog5, to answer your question? funding!

Sorry not sorry that the majority in the state being against private schools playing in the public classification strikes a nerve. There?s a place available for private schools? it?s calle the AISA.

Another poor argument. There are many well funded public schools, there are many under funded private schools AND most every school in the black belt has no funding compared to your school. If you kick out the privates out what type of competitive balance would you use to help out those severely under funded public schools? Life ain?t fair, Vigor and Blount have manned up and figured it out, maybe ask them for advice.

Jeremy Wortham


Randolph County Tigers

2003 Class 2A State Champions

2017 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1998 Class 3A State Runner-Ups,
1984 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1979 Class 2A State Runner-Ups

GiglnTiger Posted - 10/05/2022 : 15:46:20
Originally posted by spartan91

Im sure some of those schools would like to be in the AISA. THe problem is that, unlike other surrounding states, the AHSAA doesn't
allow crossover games with non member schools. Therefore geography becomes a problem since most AISA schools are in the south central part of the state.


I agree. Yet the AHSAA recognizes and allows crossover games against out of state teams which is technically a nonmember school. Somes times the things the AHSAA does makes absolutely no sense.

Take for example, Mars Hill. Over the last few years they've scheduled 5A/6A teams and they usually beat them. If they lose its usually in a close game. This was Mars Hill in 1A & 2A playing 5A/6A schools. Granted they are in 3A now and still schedule that high up on classification tells me that they are definitely under placed on the classification list.

Like someone said earlier, private schools should start out at a minimum 4A classification in the sports world.


Randolph County Tigers

2003 Class 2A State Champions

2017 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1998 Class 3A State Runner-Ups,
1984 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1979 Class 2A State Runner-Ups
spartan91 Posted - 10/05/2022 : 13:53:13
Im sure some of those schools would like to be in the AISA. THe problem is that, unlike other surrounding states, the AHSAA doesn't
allow crossover games with non member schools. Therefore geography becomes a problem since most AISA schools are in the south central part of the state.
Originally posted by GiglnTiger

Bulldog5, to answer your question? funding!

Sorry not sorry that the majority in the state being against private schools playing in the public classification strikes a nerve. There?s a place available for private schools? it?s calle the AISA.

Jeremy Wortham


Randolph County Tigers

2003 Class 2A State Champions

2017 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1998 Class 3A State Runner-Ups,
1984 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1979 Class 2A State Runner-Ups

Bulldog5 Posted - 10/05/2022 : 13:19:44
Originally posted by WCGuru1

well, I cant go out and get all the "good" kids in my county to come
play ball for me.. BIG BIG difference! All Private schools should start 3A/4A and go from there. Putting a Private school in 1a/2a is a complete Joke!

Factually there are 7 private schools in Mobile, so it is impossible for all 7 schools to ?get all the good kids.? Moody, Hoover, Thompson, Saraland, Spanish Fort, Orange Beach and Gulf Shores seem to have a lot of kids on their rosters that didn?t go there in the 9th grade. I?m sure there are others, but those are the easy ones to factually identify. Do you have any specific, non anonymous examples to back up your claim?
GiglnTiger Posted - 10/05/2022 : 13:14:57
Bulldog5, to answer your question? funding!

Sorry not sorry that the majority in the state being against private schools playing in the public classification strikes a nerve. There?s a place available for private schools? it?s calle the AISA.

Jeremy Wortham


Randolph County Tigers

2003 Class 2A State Champions

2017 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1998 Class 3A State Runner-Ups,
1984 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1979 Class 2A State Runner-Ups
GiglnTiger Posted - 10/05/2022 : 13:09:47
Originally posted by UNA2004

Im not found of them either in any sport!! My son runs Cross Country, and Runs indoor and Outdoor track for a public school and it sucks for them to have to go up against private schools. I don?t know how the AHSAA doesnt see the difference in PRIVATE vs PUBLIC!!!

Go Lions

I want to say that I recall a handful of years ago someone informing me that some of the AHSAA directors and whatnot had children in private schools.

Jeremy Wortham


Randolph County Tigers

2003 Class 2A State Champions

2017 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1998 Class 3A State Runner-Ups,
1984 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1979 Class 2A State Runner-Ups
Bulldog5 Posted - 10/05/2022 : 13:00:36
Originally posted by GiglnTiger

I dont know if anyone here follows ?The Average Joes Sports Talk? on Facebook. They cover a lot of teams in East Alabama to upper norther East Alabama. They posted a photo of 200+ blue maps and roughly 75+ red maps thru all sports within the school. Can you guess the school? It was UMS-Wright. That?s nearly 300 championship appearances! The link to the post is below. I won?t lie, it?s an amazing thing to see but it?s what recruiting gets you! Like Alabama and their National Titles? UMS-Wrights trophy case is a good recruiting tool. Can you name a public school that?s remotely close to comparing to this? How about half way comparable (150 blue/red maps)?

UMS list 167 state championships, of those 146 are championships that your school Randolph or Handley doesn?t even field a team in. It is poor argument to use 167 blue maps as evidence when your schools don?t compete in 60% of the AHSAA championship sports. To answer your question Mountain Brook list 122 and Hoover list over 100. If you want your schools to get to 167 you can start by fielding boys and girls teams in; soccer, golf, tennis, cross country, indoor track, outdoor track and swimming/diving.

Anyways, sorry that this topic strayed off hand from what it was initially intended. LOL

Jeremy Wortham


Randolph County Tigers

2003 Class 2A State Champions

2017 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1998 Class 3A State Runner-Ups,
1984 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1979 Class 2A State Runner-Ups

GiglnTiger Posted - 10/04/2022 : 19:36:37
Whoever plays St. James and Trinity should be worried, but, I feel like who ever of those two (St. James/Trinity) has to play Saks will have a fight on their hands with Saks QB. He?s extremely fast and runs all over the place, unless St. James or Trinity has played teams similar to a dual threat QB.

Scoring on Saks isn?t the issue, it?s being able to contain the QB to keep Saks from being a problem.

I work with several HANDLEY fans and the biggest things all spoke on was St. James QB. I feel like whom ever (3rd/4th seed) matches with St. James has the opportunity to at least go toe to toe offensively with them.

I?ve put the bracket together actually today and who ever wins region 4 and continues to win thru the playoffs has a high probability of hosting every game.

Jeremy Wortham


Randolph County Tigers

2003 Class 2A State Champions

2017 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1998 Class 3A State Runner-Ups,
1984 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1979 Class 2A State Runner-Ups
Sloth Nationzz Posted - 10/04/2022 : 16:22:34
Besides your thoughts on the private school thing, what are your thoughts on Region 4's matchup against Region 3? Confident? Worried? Intrigued? First time many of those teams will play one another.
Sloth Nationzz Posted - 10/04/2022 : 15:31:18
Interesting, thank you. I just noticed that region doesn't get much coverage.
GiglnTiger Posted - 10/04/2022 : 14:34:41
I?ll chime in since it?s my region with Randolph County.

All 4 are quality playoff teams. 2nd round/Qtr. Finals. I wouldn?t go as far as putting them as legit or elite in comparison to Piedmont. With that being said the four teams are very capable of pulling off upsets.

After watching Dadeville playing Saks & Wellborn on video replay, I don?t think Dadeville is the best team within the region. Penalties, Turnovers and whatnot killed Wellborn and Saks in the fourth quarter from having a dominate first three quarters.

Dadeville is just big and runs the ball, nothing fancy. There success has been off being senior laden and being able to use that to their benefit in the fourth quarter. Their wins over Saks and Wellborn was also aided with opponents having several mistakes or penalties that allowed Dadeville the chance to get back into the game.

Saks has a lot of potential but most of their offense is surrounded by an extremely fast quarterback. He was the fastest player I seen play against Randolph County. If it wasn?t for a few of his long break out touchdown plays it wouldn?t have even been a game Friday night.

Wellborn & Randolph County are pretty balanced across the board but Randolph County has a 3 year starter junior QB with a lot of depth at WR to throw to. The offense of young and inexperienced (freshman & sophomores) but with about 4-5 running backs sharing the work load it kind of makes up for it. There?s not a lot of team speed for Randolph county. RC makes up for lack of speed by being more physical and just bigger along with a veteran coach. Of course I?m biased towards RC but from going 1-9 last year to me having them at 3-7 after their jamboree performance to them sitting at 6-0 and still developing significantly has been something special.

Side note: Saks & Wellborn?s players have played against Piedmont so their use to that kind of caliber opponent regularly.

Jeremy Wortham


Randolph County Tigers

2003 Class 2A State Champions

2017 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1998 Class 3A State Runner-Ups,
1984 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1979 Class 2A State Runner-Ups
Sloth Nationzz Posted - 10/04/2022 : 12:40:33
Beyond all the debate. I would like to say the most mysterious region is 3A region 4. Can anyone tell me about those teams? Is dadeville legit? Is randolph county legit? Is Saks down? is Walter Wellborn good? It seems like a blind pick em in that region and the season is almost over.
GiglnTiger Posted - 10/04/2022 : 08:30:44
I dont know if anyone here follows ?The Average Joes Sports Talk? on Facebook. They cover a lot of teams in East Alabama to upper norther East Alabama. They posted a photo of 200+ blue maps and roughly 75+ red maps thru all sports within the school. Can you guess the school? It was UMS-Wright. That?s nearly 300 championship appearances! The link to the post is below. I won?t lie, it?s an amazing thing to see but it?s what recruiting gets you! Like Alabama and their National Titles? UMS-Wrights trophy case is a good recruiting tool. Can you name a public school that?s remotely close to comparing to this? How about half way comparable (150 blue/red maps)?

Anyways, sorry that this topic strayed off hand from what it was initially intended. LOL

Jeremy Wortham


Randolph County Tigers

2003 Class 2A State Champions

2017 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1998 Class 3A State Runner-Ups,
1984 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1979 Class 2A State Runner-Ups
WCGuru1 Posted - 10/04/2022 : 07:38:22
well, I cant go out and get all the "good" kids in my county to come
play ball for me.. BIG BIG difference! All Private schools should start 3A/4A and go from there. Putting a Private school in 1a/2a is a complete Joke!
Bulldog5 Posted - 10/03/2022 : 17:08:53
Originally posted by WCGuru1

Originally posted by Bulldog5

Other than the AHSAA telling public school kids they are victims, with 1.35 multiplier and competitive balance why don?t you like private schools? Feel free to reference any page from the attached AHSAA rule book.

can Private Schools offer players scholarships to attend? Yes, it is listed on most of their websites available for public view. I going to assume that you read the rule in the rule book attached that says any first year student receiving financial aid is ineligible for 1 year. If they receive a scholarship those students could attend for the same cost at most public schools. Some public schools allow out of area students to attend for a fee, which can be paid by another person.

WCGuru1 Posted - 10/03/2022 : 07:24:39
Originally posted by Bulldog5

Other than the AHSAA telling public school kids they are victims, with 1.35 multiplier and competitive balance why don?t you like private schools? Feel free to reference any page from the attached AHSAA rule book.

can Private Schools offer players scholarships to attend?
Bulldog5 Posted - 09/30/2022 : 19:15:16
Bulldog5 Posted - 09/30/2022 : 07:11:17
Other than the AHSAA telling public school kids they are victims, with 1.35 multiplier and competitive balance why don?t you like private schools? Feel free to reference any page from the attached AHSAA rule book.×tamp=1662126318928 Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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