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 History of High School Football in Alabama
 AIAA Schools
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dparker Posted - 08/09/2015 : 21:53:20
With the notebooks from Bill Plott I have been able to complete research for many teams.
Some I have been able to get on the website and others will follow as I get time to enter the information.

The schools I have completed include:
Elmore County Training
Calhoun County Training
Cobb Avenue
East Highland - Very happy to get this one because they were so good.
O.S. Hill
Phyliss Wheatley
Laurel - another good one.
Carver Montgomery
B.T. Washington Montgomery

Many other schools will be entered this week hopefully. I will post another list later. I still have about 40 more schools to work on.

David Parker
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dparker Posted - 08/16/2015 : 18:44:35
I finally got all the scores added for the AIAA schools from the last four notebooks from Bill Plott. All told there were 46 schools that had scores and schedules added to our records.
I still have more work to do to finish up these teams and look back through everything to see if anything was missed.

David Parker
svmounties Posted - 08/10/2015 : 16:16:55
I'm pleased to see these teams are getting closer to completion. I thought the results of some of those older matchups wouldn't ever be found.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
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